Sunday, January 31, 2010

Learn to cook Bread really good

I got Sid a cooking lesson for Christmas and had to get on for me because she needed a ride! It was at Thanksgiving Point. It was so funny! We did learn two great dough recipes and I'm excited to try them out. You don't have to Knead any of these breads so that is exciting! Sidney and I were laughing through the whole class because we just kept thinking it could be a Saturday Night live skit. #1 The teacher was very dry and boring for one. #2 WOW it's amazing how many times the same question can be asked in one cooking class and #3 how crazy most of the questions were. The food was Yummmmmmy though!
Haven't mastered the bread thing yet but getting closer!


  1. Looks like your doing good with the 50 by 50 thing. Really, I don't know why you are starting so early. You have years and years before that 50 mark hits. :) Your new friend looks very nice.

  2. I cooked bread again this week and bought the artisan bread book. I'm just going to keep working on bread until I'm pro.

  3. Yeah! I bought the coolest bread pans. One is a bread pan the size of sandwich bread you buy at the store. The other is a french bread pan. I am starting to really get the feel for bread now. I have been baking bread once or twice a week the past few months and am almost ready to say I've marked this one off.
