Friday, March 26, 2010

Runnin, Bikin and Swimmin!

I want to keep track of how many miles I run, bike and swim this season so......I will keep a running total here!

15 miles running outside
42 miles biking outside
3200 meters at the golds gym

My swimming by the way is improving a ton this season. I'm so excited and feeling more and more comfortable in the pool! I'll for sure be pro by next year...haha!


  1. 19 miles
    4000 meters swimming
    42 miles biking

  2. 10 miles
    40 miles biking
    400 meters

    April 17th

  3. April 17th - May 8th 27 miles
    April 17th -May 8th 45 miles
    swimming - 1600 meters

  4. May 8th - June 10th 35 miles running
    " 140 miles biking
    no swimming

  5. Ooops I've been so busy running, hiking, and biking. I forgot to post. I've been riding 50 miles a week and running about 16 a week. Half marathon this weekend :)
